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What does a public relations firm do when a large company experiences a crisis that is detrimental to its image in the real world? It sends a spokesperson to television to present a brand’s version of the crisis. That’s exactly what online reputation repair services do when your brand’s search results turn negative. Reputation repair helps foster positive relationships with the customers and the public after a reputation-damaging event.
Online reputation repair companies strategically bury adverse search results in Google to shape your story. Contrary to what many people think, online reputation management services do not remove unwanted results or attack them with negative SEO. Instead, we use traditional SEO to promote positive, brand affirming content that forces unwanted results to disappear from Google’s front page.

Search engine results that can be corrected by reputable repair companies in Dallas

There are countless types of content that can damage a company’s reputation online. If there is negative content on Google’s first page, it is essential to work with an online reputation repair company to correct it. Each type of search result requires a different approach to address it.

Negative articles

Negative articles are among the most damaging and visible types of search results that brands and individuals face. Once unfavorable editorials have made it to the front page of Google, they stick like a smear on your brand’s reputation.

Negative reviews or comparisons

Online reviews are tricky because they most of the time appear on aggregated sites such as Facebook, Yelp, or Glassdoor where employees and customers are the authors. As a result, it is often impossible to remove negative comments about your business. In the case of Yelp, false comments can be removed, but this requires a number of steps. The same goes for deleting Google comments, which are even more complex to manage. In other words, managing reviews can be a full-time job.

Personal information

Although Google does not generally remove bad reviews and other unfavorable content from search results, there are some things that the search engine takes seriously. For example, Google removes certain search results that could harm your safety or finances.

Why reputation repair in Dallas?

If you live in Dallas, the health of your business is directly related to your online reputation. More than ever, people are turning to the Internet for advice on where to shop and what to buy. In fact, a recent Google survey showed that the majority (51%) of respondents indicated that they “very frequently” or “often” make important decisions in their lives based on information contained in Google searches.
It is therefore clear that building a positive online reputation is important to maintain the success and visibility of your brand.

How long would it take to repair your image in Dallas?

Since there is no instant solution for reputation restoration, repairing online reputation could be a bit of a time-consuming task. It can take between 3 and 6 months to achieve progressive results.

What should you do before hiring a reputable repair company in Dallas?

The reputation of your brand is crucial, and the elimination of hateful content on your brand is essential. Here are a few things to check before hiring a reputation repair company in Dallas.
• Consulting fees: It is important to ask the company to justify what you are investing in before signing the agreement. You should also ask for a list of possible tasks in their reparation packages. Also ask for a quote for any custom package.
• Portfolio Relevance: Before choosing a reputable repair agency, review its customer testimonials, case studies and portfolio. Evaluate their experience and expertise as an online reputable repairer, particularly in your industry.
• Delivery Assurance: Every leading company offers a reasonable delivery time and takes steps to meet it. Since the largest companies in Dallas work on several projects at once, make sure that they pay full attention to your requirements and promise on-time delivery.
• Industry Experience: Lack of experience can be a disruptive factor. Therefore, ensure that the agency maintains strong communication with its clients. Also make sure that your experts provide you with complete information about their approach to your online reputation.

Your online reputation has a real impact on your audience, and your brand. Take control of your image and gain the trust of your customers with our online reputation repair solutions.

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