Why Good Web Design is More Important than Ever for Your Business
Do you really care about the proper development of your business or your company? Make sure you take good care of the quality of your website. Before starting to create or redesign your website, it is important to evaluate the commercial objectives of the site in terms of professional image and customer acquisition. In this article, we will discuss six advantages of having a quality website.
1. A better professional image
The first advantage of a high-quality website is the professional image of your company. Almost every time someone hears about a company, they will take a look at the website to confirm or deny what they have heard. It is a reflex that has become almost reptilian.
Appearance plays a role. First impressions play an important role, especially in the context of the few seconds your site has to convince a visitor to stop for a longer period of time and decide to start exploring your pages.
A Web design firm will be able to adapt (or create from scratch) your visual identity. Your website will look good on the various media or terminals (computer screens, mobile phones, tablets) that will be used by your visitors. We talk about responsive design.
2. Good design for good communication
The purpose of your website is to share and communicate valuable information to the user, and above all, to sell!
Research shows that users who do not find what they are looking for within 30 seconds leave the website. It is, therefore, essential to organize the content of your site in an intuitive and fluid manner.
For example, a search bar may be necessary, but knowing where to place it is just as important. Internet users are used to looking for search bars in the upper right-hand corner of each page. This simple fact can make a huge difference in the usability and effectiveness of your site.
3. Good design to keep the reader attentive
Statistics continue to show that attention span is remarkably short.
Information should be presented in a clear and concise manner.
For example, leaving large blank spaces between paragraphs and around margins increases reading comprehension by 20%.
It has been shown that a line of text should contain about 12 words or 95 characters at a time to reduce eye strain and keep the reader awake.
4. Good design to stand out from the competition
Many companies have realized that good design is one of the essential steps to success. A design that stands out from the crowd has a strong impact, regardless of the size of the company.
It’s all about differentiating yourself by positioning your business in relation to the competition.
5. Good design to build customer loyalty
A well-designed website significantly reduces user frustration.
How many times have you been online in a difficult situation, stuck on a page and not knowing where to find the desired information?
A poorly designed website makes it difficult for the user to search and navigate, even to perform a very simple task!
For example, a common mistake is typing blue text, which users confuse with links.
You should also make sure your contact information is easy to find, as it is among the most important pieces of information on your website.
Simple details like these can lead to major results in terms of customer satisfaction.
6. Good design is a long-term process.
Durability is the hallmark of great design. Take the world-famous Apple logo as an example. Designed in 1976, it is still one of the world’s most powerful and internationally recognized symbols. In the long run, a successful design saves you time and money by avoiding the need to constantly readjust your brand image.
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